Dúvidas My English Online

Hello you all,

       Tudo bem? Esperamos que sim.
     O objetivo desta parte do blog é manter contato com todos os alunos da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Ufop, participantes do curso My English Online - MEO, curso de inglês online do Programa Inglês sem Fronteiras. Uma iniciativa do Ministério da Educação (MEC) e da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) destinado aos alunos de graduação de pós-graduação, de instituições de ensino superior públicas e privadas brasileiras, que venham a ter dúvidas em relação ao conteúdo ministrado nas cinco etapas do curso. 
     Nosso objetivo é ajudar a responder possíveis perguntas relacionadas à Língua Inglesa para o seu maior aproveitamento do curso, e assim, ajudá-lo a preparar-se para os exames internacionais aceitos pelas universidades conveniadas ao Programa Ciências sem Fronteiras. 
        Estaremos online, em nossa sala de aula virtual nos seguintes horários: 

           Thaís:  Segundas- 11h às 12h
                   Quartas - 11h às 12h

           Sílvia: Terças -  9h às 10h
                   Quintas - 9h30 às 10h30

           Mênara: Segunda a Quinta - 14h às 14h30

           Um grande abraço a todos,

           Equipe Nucli - Ufop

3 comentários:

  1. Hello, how are you? My doubt is what is the difference between farther and further?

    1. Dear Marcelo, you can send us your essays via email, so we can correct them and give you some feed back.

  2. Hi Marcelo,
    We are very sorry it took us so long to answer your question. =(
    We were trying to redefine the usage of our online resources.
    Well, now we are back!

    Answering your question:

    They are both used as comparative of FAR.

    Farther can work as:

    1. an adverb: "the farther away you are from your home, the better."
    2. or an adjective: "the farther side of the mountain."

    Further can work as:

    1. an adverb,
    1.1✔(also farther |ˈfärT͟Hər|) used to indicate the extent to which one thing or person is or becomes distant from another: "for some time I had wanted to move farther from him."
    1.2✔(also farther |ˈfär-|) over a greater expanse of space or time; for a longer way: "we had walked further than I realized."
    1.3✔beyond or in addition to what has already been done: "we are investigating ways to further increase our IsF student's satisfaction."

    2. an adjective:
    2.1✔(also farther |ˈfär-|)more distant in space than something else of the same kind: "two students were standing at the further end of the clearing."
    2.2✔ additional to what already exists or has already taken place, been done, or been accounted for: "study for a further ten minutes."

    3. as a verb: help the progress or development of (something); promote: "he had depended on using them to further his own career."

    ✩✰☆Usage: Traditionally, farther and farthest were used in referring to physical distance: "the falls were still two or three miles farther up the path."
    Further and furthest were restricted to figurative or abstract senses: "we decided to consider the matter further."
    Although farther and farthest are still restricted to measurable distances, further and furthest are now common in both senses: "put those plants the furthest from the window."

    Apple Dictionary © 2005-2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Hope it helps!
    Any problems, PLEASE, contact us again! =)
    Best regards.
